Health and Fitness: Pilates


 7 Benefits of a Weight Loss Exercise You Can Easily Do at Home

Benefit # 1

There is no running involved whatsoever.

If you have been wondering how can I lose belly fat, then this is the perfect exercise for you. If you think you need to run to lose weight, then think again, especially if you are looking to get flatter and leaner abs. In fact, by increasing your muscle mass, your metabolism will also increase, and muscle will burn calories much more quickly than body fat, which in turn helps you to lose weight fast and also helps you to keep it off.

Benefit # 2

It is a great natural weight loss exercise.

You are just using your own body weight against yourself, no pounding the streets running. No having to go to the gym and lift any weights. There is even no worry you will fall over as you are on the floor!

Benefit # 3

It is a good weight loss exercise especially if you are worried about back pain.

This form of exercise can help those with back pain or who have some other type of muscle pain to enhance the density of their bones.

This exercise can improve the overall health of your body, including your joints, it can also increase the power in adjacent muscles.

Not only can it be done by people who are not that fit, it is surprisingly done by those who are already very fit to begin with, such as athletes who are already in peak physical condition. This is because they do this form of exercise in order to be able to further increase their performance in their particular field. So if you think you won't be able to do it, think again.

This form of exercise can also improve and enhance your posture helping your back muscles, it is also a great form of exercise for stomach (abdominal muscles) and your ass (who doesn't want a great looking ass!)

Benefit # 4

It can be done regardless of age as it is a great weight loss exercise that is easy on your joints.

This exercise consists of movements that are prolonged in their nature, perfect for the elderly as it can help improve coordination and balance, a much-needed skill, especially in the later years of a person's life. It can also go a long way in preventing unnecessary falls, most essential, especially as this part of a person's life can be really affected by the slightest fall which could lead to more serious complications.

It is also an exercise you can do at your own pace, make it as hard or as easy as you want and adjust the workout accordingly.

It can also help the elderly get a better range of motion in their body, helping them to be more independent and do tasks that they may typically ask someone else to do.

The exercise movements are significantly based on stretching and the more safely and efficiently you can learn to stretch, the more supple and flexible your body will become.

Benefit # 5

A weight loss exercise for during and after pregnancy.

The slow rhythmic nature of this exercise is also perfect for those who are expecting a child or who are in the early stages of mother-hood having just had a child, i.e., the post-natal time. Note, as with any form of exercise that you are considering, it is essential to check with a health professional and especially if you are pregnant prior to undertaking any exercise, to ensure you are physically fit to do so during and after pregnancy.

Benefit # 6

There are no time constraints given by anyone.

You can easily do this exercise any time of the day or night, before breakfast, before going to bed, with music, without music, you pick the time, the date, the room and the music, it's entirely your choice. What's not to love! Why not try doing it together with a partner and see who is better, you may even surprise yourself. You don't have to leave the kids or have to worry about picking them up later. Exercise while they are a sleep or when they go to sleep, you dictate the rules not the gym who tell you when the class begins and ends and whether you have been given a space to attend or not. Here you make your own rules, find some space, sufficient for a mat and away you go.

Benefit # 7

No need for any makeup (guys that includes you as well!)

It is a perfect exercise as you don't have to put on any makeup, designer clothes, running shoes, or wear any shoes for that matter. You don't have to leave your front door. You can easily exercise effectively and quickly in the comfort of your own home, without the world looking on at your every move. For those of us who are self-conscious, perhaps you are uncomfortable at the thought of people staring at you as you run on by. You don't have to put up with funny looks (depending on how good or bad you really are.) That is of course, unless you are in great shape to begin with, in which case you may like the attention you are getting (and if so, good for you!).

Pilates Vs Yoga - A New Viewpoint

Which is better? How are they similar? how are they different? This review of two of the most popular forms of exercise is a brief but comprehensive viewpoint from one of today's leading Pilates instructors who has also taught yoga for many 35 years.


Pilates and yoga are oddly similar and at the same time deeply different when it comes to breathing. Both methods emphasize breathing, but take it in different directions.

Breathing is one the most important principle in Pilates. Joseph Pilates, the founder, stressed breathing in his books and in his instruction.

According to my teacher and 'Pilates Elder' Mary Bowen, Joseph Pilates never developed any special breathing mechanics, though several techniques were developed after his death by some of his students. Joe Pilates did create breathing patterns to accompany each exercise, natural breathing that allows full and frequent breaths while you move. The effect is exhilarating, and in fact, Pilates is known for being energizing rather than exhausting even after the most rigorous workout.

Yoga far exceeds Pilates in the development of particular breathing mechanics. The complexity and depth of pranayama (breathing) yoga techniques include breathing through different nostrils in different patterns of inhalation, exhalation and holding the breath, all designed to create and move energy in the body. I've explored breathing techniques in Pilates and yoga and have found both to be highly energizing.

Mind and Body

Few exercise methods connect the mind and the body like Pilates and yoga.

Focussing your attention on your movement is key to both methods. Yoga goes a step further by adding a spiritual or religious dimension with meditation and in certain traditions chanting and devotion to the teacher.


Joseph Pilates was born in Germany in 1883. He studied all forms of exercise available in his day including eastern forms such as yoga. He first developed his method nearly 100 years ago.

He moved to New York in the 60's and first introduced his method to the dance community where it was an instant hit. From there it gained worldwide popularity. It is used by elite athletes, celebrities and physical therapist, and is particularly effective for physical rehabilitation such as back pain.

Since the death of Joe Pilates in the late 60's, the method has morphed into many schools and fusions such as yogalates, Zumbalates, tangolates and even piloxing (Pilates and boxing).

In contrast yoga goes back thousands of years. The earliest evidence appears on 4500 year old seals from the Indus Valley. Experts agree that the yoga tradition is probably much older. Light on Yoga, universally considered the bible of yoga, lists hundreds of treatments for illnesses using particular yoga positions.

Yaga has also morphed into many different schools and fusions.

No Machinery

Though both methods readily use balls, bands and other props, neither require any equipment. You can do them anywhere and anytime - the ultimate in convenience.

There is specially designed equipment for Pilates, but it is not necessary. In fact, the mat exercise routine which uses no equipment is the original Pilates method which Joe Pilates called 'Contrology.'


No review of these two exercise methods should ever neglect their distinct forms of stretching. Yet no other discussion I've ever read does!

Yoga features static stretching. This means holding a position while your muscles stretch. In contrast, Pilates is dynamic stretch where muscles lengthen while you move. Research indicates more benefits from dynamic stretching due to increased muscle recovery and decreased risk of injury.

Speaking from personal experience as a teacher and practitioner of both Pilates and hatha yoga, I find static stretch wonderful for relaxation and stress relief. On the other hand, I find dynamic stretch a better choice for joint and back pain relief and for improving athletic performance.

Strength and Cardio

Exercise science has proven that our bodies need 3 distinct kinds of exercise - strength training, stretching and cardiovascular conditioning popularly referred to as cardio or aerobics. These three essential exercises are rarely included in one method. Pilates always includes 2 - stretching and strength training. Advanced Pilates mat exercises also include cardio for an unusually complete exercise method.

By contrast yoga is primarily stretching and rarely includes strength training or cardio. There are exceptions such as the very athletic forms of yoga found in the Iyengar, Ashtanga and Bikram methods.

Which Is Better?

I believe I can offer an interesting perspective on this question, because I've practiced and taught both for nearly 4 decades. In my experience you get more of a spiritual dimension from yoga, as well as relaxation. However, research shows that any exercise is very effective at relieving stress. But if you want a complete exercise with strength building, stretching and cardio, Pilates is my favorite choice.

Why Opt For Pilates Classes?

Fitness is an essential part of leading a healthy and balanced life. For this reason, one should think about taking up activities that would help one achieve this. One such activity that would certainly be a great way to get in shape would be to opt for Pilates classes. This would help increase circulation, flexibility, motion, posture as well as abdominal strength. In addition to that it can help substantially decrease joint, neck or back pain.

Increases Body Awareness

The main benefit that Pilates extend is the fact that it helps increases body awareness . In this way, you would be in a position where you would be able to strengthen the entire system and use a number of stretching exercises as well. This helps develop the core of the body at the same time it builds up flexibility and spine mobility. These classes would help you get in touch with your body at a level that most people aren't aware off. It helps in the development of their overall well-being as well.

This is a major benefit since personal awareness would helps one understand one's body and mind better . In this way, if there is an illness, aches or pains, the reason can be identified within no time and can be rectified as well. For instance, if you feel a constant pain in your neck as a result of sitting in the office the entire day, you would be more aware of the case of the pain if you practise these exercises. Apart from that this is a lifestyle change that would help set in place a system in one's life.

According to Pilates experts, it is important that an individual builds a solid foundation similar to that of a strong tree trunk. This would protect the tree from toppling over and help overcome injuries. In addition to that if one dream's of having a washboard like stomach it is quite possible since Pilates is more about strength training and toning one's body to become more resistant to various stresses and strains. Flat abs and weight loss are definitely possible using these exercises at the same time it would make the body fitter, stronger and healthier.

Body Control

Another major benefit that one would stand to receive on taking up Pilates classes is the fact that they will help increase body control . These classes would definitely tech you how to move as you would be in touch with your body like never before. For instance, you will be able to learn what body symmetry is all about and then say if you are dancing you can be more graceful as you will have better coordination. This in turn would result in a great degree of satisfaction. Additionally, these exercises help sync ones energy as well to the environment that they are working in, which would help them adapt faster and work more efficiently.

Other Benefits

This is a discipline that could help sickly children regain better health at the same time it could help adults who might be on the brink of obesity to come back. This way, they would be in a position to mould their body from being a sick one into a healthier one. It won't just help them carve out the perfect body, it would definitely help improve one's lifestyle as well, which is why it would be a smart choice to opt for these classes.

Five Major Reasons to Practice Pilates

What is Pilates? This is one of the exercise forms, developed by Joseph Pilates. Its aim is to emphasize the balanced development of one's body through flexibility, core strength, as well as awareness. Pilates is somehow similar to yoga, but it develops much more - strength, muscular endurance, balance, good posture, coordination, etc.

Perhaps, one of the greatest benefits ever is the fact Pilates moves engage the whole body, and, aiming at strengthening one muscle, you stretch another. What you really need is a lot of concentration, as it is not enough simply to go through a number of motions like on gym equipment. So, what are the main reasons to practice Pilates? What are the benefits of exercising in this way?

No Back Pain

Back injuries, postural deviations and herniated disks cause much discomfort and pain. Muscle tightness, weak muscle tone and sedentary lifestyle add to the above mentioned conditions and at times it seems that no pills or massages can help. However, Pilates has proved its efficiency in cases of chronic back pain. Starting with simple moves, you soon can proceed to more difficult ones, thus eliminating back pain and the discomfort it causes.

Energy Increase

Is it possible to increase energy levels with Pilates? For many people it seems strange, BUT the more person exercises, the more energy he/she has and the more he/she feels like doing. What do Pilates exercises contribute? They get the breath, as well as circulation moving, stimulate the muscles and spine, and provide the entire body with positive feelings one gets, when exercising the whole body.

Weight Loss + Long and Lean Appearance

Is that what you've been aiming at? Then you should try Pilates! It helps to improve joint movement and flexibility. Besides, today it is even regarded to as one of the most beneficial features in relation to this sort of exercise.

Start with a basic program, which is designed to sculpt and tone the body, thus to help to lose weight. The basic program includes the combination of a series of controlled movements. These simple movements manage to shape and long lean muscles, not triggering unwanted bulk. Unlike in cases with other exercise programs or diet plans, Pilates does not stress one's body and leads to positive results pretty soon.

What's important? - Practicing on a regular basis. Only regular exercising will change your body, creating a leaner look and long, strong muscles. In addition, you will manage to improve muscle tone, support beautiful posture, balance musculature and move with grace and ease. This is how you're going to feel fit.

Muscle Balance

Balance between length and strength is perhaps the main reason why people choose Pilates sessions. This is especially important for runners due to the fact they are indulged into a repetitive activity. Body awareness is the first thing that comes from Pilates.

Pilates enables one's body to recruit muscles with minimum energy expenditure, which is very important during long runs.

Body & Mind Connection

When Joseph Pilates was working on creating a new sort of exercising, he was insistent that Pilates meant the complete coordination between three major factors: body, spirit and mind. Pilates exercising provides complete attention to every movement, instructing one's brain to center oneself, release tension, control movement, as well as breath with flow and precision.

And these are the major reasons why people all around the world are fond of Pilates. Now it is your turn to start exercising to improve body shape, strength and balance.


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